Online banking instructions

Banking / Transactions

The transaction page contains a clear overview of your account transactions sorted in ascending order by transaction date. Any transactions shown that have not yet been debited/credited to/from the account will be marked as Pending.

There are also a number of search criteria and settings designed to make it easier to search for specific transactions. Once you have selected the search criteria for your search, please click on Refresh to search again using the new settings.

Search by period

This option allows you to search for transactions conducted during a specific period of time. You can do so by either selecting From the past from the drop-down list or from - to from the calendar. When selecting From the past, you can select from different time windows that always work backwards from the current date. So, if, for example, you select 10 days, you will be shown all of the account transactions from the past 10 days. The calendar function allows you to refine your search even further as it will show all of the transactions that took place between the two calendar days you specified. If the first date (from) is outside the permitted range, the transaction list will show the last available transaction and its posting date.

Results per page

This drop-down list allows you to specify the number of transactions you want to be shown per page. You can select from 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 transactions per page. If the number of transactions for the selected period is greater, your transactions will be shown over several pages which you can view by clicking on the Next page button at the end of the list.

Pending transactions

Some of the transactions listed in the overview may not yet have been included in the account balance (total balance) shown. This is because these transactions are pending transactions that will be executed on a specific date. The system is aware of this date, which is why the transaction will already be shown. However, because the relevant payment has not yet been debited/credited, it will not yet have been included in the total balance.

You will be notified of any pending transactions by the system.

Export transaction data

You can also export the results of your transactions search to other programmes for further processing. This will be useful in particular if you are managing a number of different accounts and are using special applications for doing so.

The transaction data can be exported using the following file formats:

  • CSV
  • MT940
  • CAMT

In CAMT files, pending and paid transactions will be provided separately for export. When using CAMT files, pending transactions will be provided in a single XML file, while paid transactions will be provided in separate XML files for each transaction date (for the selected period). All of the files with the results will be combined in a compressed ZIP file. This file can be found in the relevant download folder.

Important: Please make sure to protect your data when using third-party PCs'!

Whenever you are viewing transaction data on a third party computer, e.g. an office PC, a friend's or in an internet cafe, please always make sure to delete all temporary files from the computer when you have finished to protect your data. This refers to files that the PC will temporarily save, such as temporary Internet files. Deleting these files is important in order to protect them and your online banking details from unauthorised access by any third parties.

To delete temporary internet files from your computer, press Ctrl-Shift-Delete in your browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera or Google Chrome). This will open the Clear browsing data window, where you can delete these files. If this window does not open, the computer may not have stored any temporary internet files, which can also be checked under System settings. It is always recommended to use the latest version of the relevant browser.

If a third-party computer that you are working with is integrated into a network, you may have to request special rights in order to be able to delete temporary internet files. In such a case, you will have to contact the network administrator.

Advanced transaction search

The advanced transaction search includes a number of options for refining your search. To open the advanced search window, click on "+".

1. Search by amount

This option allows you to search your account for a specific transaction amount. When doing so, the system will first allow you to select from Debits, Credits and Debits/Credits amounts. Selecting Debits will show you all of the payments that have been deducted from your account. Selecting Credits will show you all of the payments that have been credited to your account.
Selecting Debits/Credits will show you both payments that have been debited from and credited to into your account. To select any of these options, click on the Transaction type drop-down list. You can also search for amounts paid in/out during a specific period of time (from - to). However, if you are only looking for a single transaction, all you need to do is to enter the relevant transaction amount into the from field.

2. Search by payment reference

This option allows you to enter text into the search field to search for transactions with particular payment references. This option allows you to enter up two search terms. You can link these two words by selecting either "and", "or" or "and not" from the drop-down list.

  • Using "and"

Using "and" to link two search terms means that the search will only identify payment references that contain both of these terms. This will allow you to search for very specific transactions.

  • Using "or"

Selecting "or" from the drop-down list to link two search terms means that the search will only identify payment references that contain at least one of these terms.

  • Using "and not"

Using "and not" to link two search terms means that the search will only identify payment references that contain the term you entered into the first field. This can be very useful for large numbers of transactions with similar payment references.

A few examples of searching for transactions
by payment reference

  • If you enter "Smith" into the search field, the system will show all of the transactions for the selected period that feature the name "Smith" in their payment references, i.e. including names such as "Smithy" and "Smithfield".
  • The search function also allows you to search for transactions that were submitted with a specific TAN. In that case, the search term has
    to be written as follows: "TAN: 123456" (please make sure to include a space between the colon and six numbers).
  • If you enter a search term such as "Customer number" into the first search field and "123456789" and link the two with "and", the search will identify all of the transactions that contain both of these terms.

3. Search by transaction type

The Transaction type drop-down list contains a range of different transactions types ranging from Interest to Wage/Salary. Once you have selected the relevant type from the list, the search will only search for that type of transaction for the specified period.

4. Search by specific information in SEPA transactions

This function allows you to search for transactions by customer reference (End-To-End), collective order reference, creditor ID or mandate reference number. This search can be useful in particular for business customers.

Please note the following:

The account balance or total balance shown does not take into account theĀ  value date of individual transactions. That means that the balance shown does not necessarily reflect the actual account balance and that the account may yet be charged with interest for an authorised or unauthorised overdraft.

Please also note: For some types of accounts, the account balance may be shown in a foreign currency, in which case the Euro equivalent will be shown in brackets. However, the Euro equivalent is only based on the current day's operand. I.e. depending on the exchange rate, the current balance in EUR may be slightly different.